Welcome to The Real You

Tracey Strawbridge – EFT Accredited Advanced Practitioner

“Let me help you become the person deep down inside you know you should be; the happy, healthy, and prosperous you.” “Let me help you remove those physical and emotional blocks that are holding you back from the life you truly want to lead.”
With the help of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping) I can help you to ease or become free of physical pains such as on- going sports injuries, back pain, headaches, etc. I can help you overcome emotional traumas such as the ones you try to hide inside you with food, smoking, drinking and other addictions. These emotions can cause “Dis-ease” in your body and bring about illnesses. I can help you with the stress in your life by teaching you to react to it differently.

EFT can help with removing and rewriting unhelpful beliefs that are keeping you stuck in your ineffective life.

My name is Tracey Strawbridge, I am deeply passionate about helping people live the true and happy life they are meant too. I gave business the name “The Real You” because so many people are suffering with pain; emotional and physical,  with limiting beliefs and by being their own biggest critic,  I want to help them be able to remove these blocks to becoming the ”Real Them.”

I use Emotional Freedom Technique mainly to work with your problems; I mix this with some visualisation and neuro-linguistic programming.  I also use Reiki Healing, which can relax and help to clear your mind allowing the tapping to process. I use my knowledge of fitness, stretching and nutrition to help you along your path to happiness.

I am a distributor for Forever Living Products that are organic and completely natural health products based on the Aloe Vera plant, that I have seen help many people with many different health issues.